Learning & Growth

I thought it time for an update on LKR Properties; what we’ve been up to and where we’re heading. So here’s my first ever blog…

To say it has been a whirlwind is an understatement. I have never been through a period of self reflection, learning and growth as much as since we started this business. Maybe when I had my babies I learned as much in such a short space of time but I was so exhausted that self reflection and growth was de-prioritised in the name of every day survival 🤪 I spend all of my time when working on LKR constantly learning, constantly reflecting, constantly tweaking and constantly focussed on the way ahead but absolutely loving it (mostly 😆) and soooo excited about the opportunities in the next 12 months.

The holiday let portfolio now spans 17 properties, we’ve just completed on Wednesday on our latest refurb in Cornwall and we have a full pipeline of launches for the rest of the year, with plans that will increase that portfolio by 250% by Christmas. In addition and perhaps most exciting, we have some conversion and new build residential development opportunities over the next 12-18 months that will take us to a level I could never even have dreamed of being at just a year ago.

Our first (much-needed 😬!) member of staff joins us on 1st March and the team will continue to grow this year, ensuring smooth systemisation, automisation and operation throughout LKR Properties as we scale. It’s quite amazing looking back how quickly things establish once you start to believe in yourself, your abilities and the possibilities and opportunities that are everywhere. Sometimes you just have to go for it and once you are open to opportunity, they present themselves to you without effort.

Sky’s the limit!

If you want to be a part of this, we work with private investors to create win/win situations and have some incredibly exciting opportunities coming our way, message me and let’s see how LKR could help you.